Free MultiTrack: Anchor of My Soul

The free track for March, Anchor of My Soul, is by Calvary Chapel worship leader Kevin McCarthy. Kevin says “I love music. I love attitude. I love a good hook. But mostly I’ve come to find the meaning of ALL of it, through a love for God and His Son Jesus Christ.”

Anchor of My Soul is the title track from his album of songs designed to point others to the heart of God through songs that bless and encourage those who sing and hear them.

It was inspired by three passages: Isaiah 43 where God promises to be with us despite walking through rivers or fire, Daniel’s protection from the Fiery Furnace and Hebrews 6 which describes our hope as an anchor of the soul that is sure and steadfast.

Do enjoy sharing this song with your congregation.

The MultiTrack is designed for use in Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player. This song is not configured for other WAVs.

It is available totally free-of-charge this month only and comes with a free chord chart. Please remember to note the CCLI number 7101400 for reporting song use in church.


Free MultiTrack: Befriended by Matt Redman

The free track for February is our band focused version of this  underused song by Matt Redman – Befriended.

The MultiTrack is available totally free-of-charge this month only.

The song comes with the original WAV files for use in a DAW such as Ableton, and Transition Tracks for Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.

Free Christmas MultiTrack: Rejoice in the Promised One

The free track for December is a NEW hopeful gathered worship song for this Advent and Christmas season. Rejoice in the Promised One is by Three Streams Music and we are making it available well in advance of Christmas so that you can add it to your planning in good time.

God’s Kingdom has come and is coming; this song gives the congregant language to sing that mystery this season. The melody and chords are simple for any team and the multitrack contains lots of fun counter melodies as well as a compelling percussion accompaniment. Add Rejoice In The Promised One to your worship set this season!

Three Streams Music is a collection of congregational songs and songwriters that serve the local church, based in Atlanta GA. Learn more at

The song comes with the original WAV files for use in a DAW such as Ableton, and Transition Tracks for Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.

There is also a free chord chart with the song.

Free MultiTrack: Grace and Mercy by Loulita Gill

The free track for November is Grace and Mercy by UK based singer-songwriter Loulita Gill. This beautiful track reminds us that even in brokenness we can worship and this is an offering that the Lord loves.  It is a cry for healing and restoration.

The MultiTrack is available totally free-of-charge this month only.

The song comes with the original WAV files for use in a DAW such as Ableton, and Transition Tracks for Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.

There is also a free chord chart with the song.

Free MultiTrack – Desert Rain

Desert Rain by Chase Wagner and Ben Hardesty is from Common Hymnal. This fabulous pop based MultiTrack is full of great sounds and perfect to learn and use in a local church setting.

The MultiTrack is available totally free-of-charge this month only.

The song comes with the original WAV files for use in a DAW such as Ableton, and Transition Tracks for Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.

Free MultiTrack – Lord Let Your Glory Fall

The free MultiTrack for September is a well known classic from Matt Redman. Lord Let Your Glory Fall is available totally free-of-charge this month only.

The song comes with the original WAV files for use in a DAW such as Ableton, and Transition Tracks for Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.

Free MultiTrack: Be The One

The free MultiTrack for June is a brand new track to us called Be The One by Shawn Thomas.

Be The One is based on Esther 4:14 and Joshua 1:19 encouraging us to be strong and courageous, and to answer God’s call – to be someone God can speak through and be seen and witnessed through. The arrangement has a contemporary pop-groove to it, but is very singable and congregationally friendly.

Please remember to report when you use this song in church. It is CCLI Song # 7090053.

Shawn Thomas is a Christian singer/songwriter and worship leader based in South Florida. He began his production and recording training in 1990 under Jeff Peters of Chateau Productions (Dallas/LA), and later graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a BA in Music Industry and Recording Industry Management. He has been a voting member of the Grammy National Academy of Recording Artists and Sciences, and is a writer/publisher member of ASCAP and CCLI. Shawn is a Pride in the Arts Awards recipient for Producer of the Year.

Shawn is the producer behind our recent MultiTrack. releases. It’s great to also be able to include another of his own songs in our repertoire.

The song comes with the original WAV files for use in a DAW such as Ableton, and Transition Tracks for Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.

The song also comes with a free simple chord chart.

Free MultiTrack: Matt Redman’s Beautiful News

May’s free track is Matt Redman’s Beautiful News.

The song comes with the WAV files for use in a DAW such as Ableton or GarageBand, and Transition Tracks for Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player.

Unless you are confident with using a DAW such as Ableton or ProTools, you will need a copy of Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player to play the backing track. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.

Brand new free MultiTrack: Magnify

April’s free track, Magnify, comes from the Magnify Worship Collective, a group of musicians and songwriters from the Grand Rapids area of West Michigan. Magnify was written by Forrest Wakeman, a worship leader, Calvin University professor, and frequent player with the Grand Rapids Symphony, for the dedication of his church. The Magnify Worship Collective played and sang on the recording, which offers an upbeat worship anthem with a great message of how we can Magnify our God with our worship and our lives.

The song comes with a free chord chart, the original WAV files for use in a DAW such as Ableton or GarageBand, and Transition Tracks for Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player.

Unless you are confident with using a DAW such as Ableton or ProTools, you will need a copy of Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player to play the backing track. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.

Free MultiTrack: Blessing Honour

The free MultiTrack for March is Blessing Honour by Eoghan Heaslip. It’s a great but under-used worship song that your congregation will really enjoy.

The song is totally free to download during March. 

Unless you are confident with using a DAW such as Ableton or ProTools, you will need a copy of Worship Backing Band’s Mac/PC or iPad Transition MultiTrack Player to play the backing track. MultiTracks are the simplest and least expensive solution to get a full band sound from your worship team, even if you’ve only got a couple of musicians.