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Use the flow chart below to help you decide which backing track option is best for you. Although some churches do use our MultiTracks when they have no musicians of their own, the question "Do you have any musicians?" is a good starting place.

In short, MultiTracks (played either in our own MultiTrack Transition Player or a DAW of your choice) have the most functionality but you will need a little technical skill - not much and it only takes a few minutes to learn. The lower cost and VERY simple-to-use option which also includes on-screen lyrics are Split Tracks either downloaded or on our compilation DVDs.

If you are using a DAW simply download our WAVs and import them into ANY DAW and you're ready to go. All WAVs/stem files are provided full length with identical start and end times.

All Songs





14 instrument stems per song. All real instruments inc. lead & backing vocals (WAV). Mac/PC or iPad.             

Incomplete bands

Split Tracks

Video backing tracks with on-screen lyrics & mixable vocals - non MultiTrack (MP4)

For churches with no musicians

Split Track Compilation DVDs            

Video Split Track backing tracks on DVD compilations (all region)

Great budget conscious option