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Song Format Options

Songs come in a variety of formats.

For the most functionality select MultiTracks. These are used in our Transition MultiTrack Player or any DAW such as GarageBand.

At a lower cost and with less functionality select Split Tracks. These are MP4 video tracks that include on-screen words and optional vocals. They play using any standard media player such as VLC and can be downloaded individually or alternately purchased on our compilation DVDs. The DVDs are the lowest cost way to get started with a library of songs.

Chord charts are available for many of our tracks. These come in one of two types: EveryKey Chord Charts and Super Chord Charts.

Save money with credits

If you plan on purchasing multiple songs in the coming months you can save money by purchasing our credits. These enable volume discounts without the need to select all the songs you want to use today. Simply purchase credits which then work as vouchers that can be redeemed against future purchases.

